[ Music ] With diversity, when everybody's so different, I think that it encourages us to challenge ourselves in how we might think and what kind of considerations we might make about others. If we were all the same, that doesn't provide us that opportunity to be challenged. Not just earning a degree here but it really is growing as human beings so that we can make some kind of contribution to our communities around us. I truly value that we do come from different backgrounds and that there is diversity. Without challenges, I think that limits how much we can actually grow. I very much value the diversity here that CSUSB offers. That is probably one of the greatest things I enjoy is learning a little bit 0:44 about our students so that we can apply the things that we're talking about. Because then I think that really emphasizes why the content of the classroom is so important. When we have a diverse faculty, I hope that that shows our students that we have more than just San Bernardino County, Southern California, California, the United States. We go beyond. For similar reasons to why it's beneficial to have a diverse student population, I think it's important to have a diverse faculty because then the faculty come in with different experiences, different backgrounds that they can try to apply to the current student group as well too. But then that also means that faculty continue to grow as well. I do relate to this idea of Southern California culture and population, and it feels like it's its own culture And I wish that upon all of our students. I want them all to feel good about themselves and feel like they have a sense of how they want to help somebody else out. That's a lot of fun. [ Coyote Howl ]